I am pretty terrible when it comes to giving people gifts on time, I mean I have a good excuse, I like to make the presents I give people and I am the biggest procrastinator known to man. This year I’m trying to step my game up, be a little more organised, the idea of it is great but the execution not so much.

My friend Sophie, also known as the majority of the hands on this blog is usually great at giving me presents, and they’re always on time and I am the crumby one so this year instead of feeling bad I actually tried to get it all done on time. I will say everything was still a little last minute, I came up with the idea of what to give her a couple of months ago and still a couple of days before I was seeing her I was making a cushion. I made the cake and some truffles the day before I saw her and I made the card and wrapped the presents a couple of hours before she arrived but it was still done before she arrived, all laid out by the TV like it was Christmas morning. What I’m trying to say is; it still counts.

If only I had pictures to show you the packaging, I was giddy wrapping it, I bought brown paper bags and grey twine specifically, I even went as far as to make a box that perfectly fitted the mug to fit in another bigger box with the truffles sitting neatly in bags next to it. Okay so this blog post is not about the presents, it’s actually about the cake.

This was a bit of an experiment, like I said, I went all out, three layers, something I’d never tried before a mysterious pink layer. Obviously you know from the title it’s actually raspberry flavoured not a mysterious pink layer.

I did have a couple of mishaps, I tried to make dairy free white chocolate mousse without really putting much thought into it and it deflated so I had to run to tesco and buy some cream and made white chocolate cream instead.

I also ran out of cream for the top and had to make a second batch and because I could only find the star nozzle, not the round one I ended up scraping the cream off and re-piping it because it looked like something from the 60s but shhh.